Some people have naturally little fat volume in their faces which causes their cheeks to look sunken from early age, while others develop a gaunt appearance with age as the level of collagen in the skin decreases and loss of deep fat ensues. Hollowing of this area of the face can also be a result of life style choices which cause a reduction of subcutaneous fat like excessive exercise and dieting.
A loss of roundness in the cheeks can be of particular concern to female patients as it can make the face look harsh and less feminine.
Fortunately, creating or restoring volume in the face is easily achievable in aesthetic medicine using dermal fillers, while Profhilo® can be added on to plump up the skin and give a natural, soft appearance to the cheeks.
Treatment of Sunken Cheeks
in Mallorca
Treatments for Sunken Cheeks at MD AESTHETICS® in Mallorca

Would you like to book a consultation for Sunken Cheeks in Mallorca?
To book a consultation with one of our doctors or if you simply want to know more about any of our treatments, send us a Whatsapp message on +34 648 126 985 and we aim to reply within 2 hours.